Auto Accident in Broward?

There is a car crash every 84 seconds in Florida! This is according to Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV). Broward County alone accounted for 10% of the accidents in 2021, with 41,724 crashes causing 263 deaths and 23,096 injuries. There have been 57,000 crashes so far in 2022 across Florida. So many crashes! Unfortunately, it seems auto accidents is the way of life and has lawyers busy claiming for victims who suddenly have no income, are traumatized, have insurmountable medical bills, and life seems hopefully on pause.

Thankfully, there is auto accident help in Broward—help is available! Call an auto accident lawyer today. Don’t fall victim to the statutes of limitations in addition to being a motor vehicle accident victim! It varies from state to state, but the statute of limitations in Florida is four years. Even if you feel your case is not urgent, it’s best to consult an accident injury lawyer to point you on the way forward to give you auto accident help in Broward. Waiting too long to file a claim can see you losing witnesses, or you can’t establish liabilities.

Number one Cause of Accident

Speeding! Speeding is the number one cause of accidents in Florida! The speed limits are calculated to help motorists travel safely. When motorists disobey the speed limit, an accident is likely to occur, which often causes serious injury, death, and suffering to the people involved. Be it speeding truck drivers, motorcyclists, or car drivers, deadly collisions are possible—slow down! Or seek accident help in Broward.


Florida law mandates since 2008 that motorists protect themselves with minimum insurance coverage of $10,000. This means when there is an auto accident, motorists are responsible for their expenses via their insurer. The victim or plaintiff can sue the defendant, however, if there was negligence in causing the accident. Every motorist has a duty by law to drive carefully so as not to cause harm to other road users. Breaching the law comes with penalties so victims can receive compensation as they apply for auto accident help in Broward to bring negligent parties to justice.

That’s where auto accident help in Broward comes in. With approximately 200,000 auto accidents per year, overall, our hearts burn with justice for those who have no one to stand for them to deliver justice, since many rich and powerful try to run away from the law when they are involved in an accident. Our hard-working auto accident lawyers in Broward will fight for you from consultation to the minute you receive your check. And you pay us no money until you win your case—so we fight to win!

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